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Purple Flourite Pendant

Purple Flourite Pendant


This pendant is 1.5” x 1.5” and 3/4” thick. The is a longer hemp cord adjustable from 24" - 36".  It is made in resin with rainbow flourite crystals and high vibrational white powder ormes are mixed in.


Rainbow flourite: psychic vision, dreaming, love

Rainbow flourite connects to heart, crown and 3rd eye chakras.  Green fluorite is known to stimulate the brain and calm the nervous system. Purple flourite enhances intuitive dreaming and white connects to the universal source feeling of love.   It absorbs excess energy and releases repressed energy while clearing making it a popular stone among energy healers to clear auric and light body fields of lower vibrational muck. Fluorite naturally repels lower emf fields making it a great stone to keep near you while your working on your pc or laptop.


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